Friday, May 8, 2009

dammit, man! i'm a fashionista, not a trekkie!

I boldly went where no woman has gone before: the midnight IMAX showing of Star Trek, a venue that sat over 500 Trekkies.

Admittedly, I went for Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine (eye candy never hurts). I know absolutely nothing of Star Trek and I’m not a big fan of anything space; I haven’t seen any of the Star Wars. (I know, I know – stop throwing things!)

I have to say, I was impressed. Hasn’t really changed my mind on the genre, but I really enjoyed it and actually want to see it again.

The one thing that held me was the humor. If it wasn’t so funny, I probably would have hated it. The delivery was dead on and the jokes weren’t too hokey.

Obviously, the special effects blew me away. I would love to see this thing in a full-on IMAX, much like the Franklin Institute’s.

Although the running time was a good two hours and ten minutes, it didn’t feel that way at all. I expected to sit there and feel the drag, but I didn’t. It was entertaining and well-paced throughout.

I think the casting was pretty spot on. I know of Star Trek only from pop culture references and the like, but I think I’m aware of it enough to know when things look off; they didn’t. I had a moment during the film when I did think I was going to get attacked by everyone in the theater, though.

When Dr. McCoy first shows up in all his frantic glory, the audience started clapping and yelling (which they were wont to do last night when the movie showcased a throwback to the series). I only really know of Spock, Kirk and Sulu, so I turned to Tony and asked, “Who IS that guy?”- right when the clapping ceased and the movie fell silent for a pace. People in front of me snickered and the guy next to us just stared – I was blending in so well until that very moment.

The only thing I kept noticing that was killing me is that it’s a lot of giving orders and dramatic shots of people swinging around in their chairs to say something to the captain. There was also a lot of time travel, which caused some confusion for me towards the middle of the movie. I sussed it all out later, but I had to think about it a bit. I also generally don’t like time travel because I feel like it can be a copout and the rules are just too loosey goosey (thank you, Heroes).

I recommend it, big time, to anyone. Being a Trekkie when you see it is a benefit, but not a necessity.

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