The great thing about this little ditty called “the Internets” (thanks, Gramp) is that you can promote the shit out of anything you want. You can bestow greatness upon this organization or that company, or maybe that particular blog.
The flipside to this (which is one I’m not partial to) is bashing the hell out of something that displeases you. I’m not usually one to gripe; I generally enjoy everything in life (except maybe onions and your occasional pair of skinny jeans), but this must be said:
Hey, American Education Services? GO FUCK YOURSELF.
For some reason, they nixed my incentive program on my subsidized loan – which doesn’t allow EARLY PAYMENT – because there’s a rule that I have to pay a certain amount every month, even if the bill they send me calls for LESS than that amount. It states this nowhere. And the one bill I paid that WAS less than the required amount? Was eight dollars short.
Here’s the thing that really pisses me off – I pay my bill (at most) five days early, if not right on the dot (even though there’s a fifteen day grace period afterwards) and they’re going to fault me for this.
I had TWO reports sent to me that my payment was delinquent. Know why? Well their explanation is that since I send my bill in that early, the computer reprints another bill because it doesn’t recognize my first payment, thus making it SEEM delinquent. This has happened twice.
Who ever heard of not being able to pay their bill early?
OH and – let’s look at it this way: I’m a college student in a shitty ass economy who is actually paying her bills ON TIME and OVER what each payment asks for EVERY TIME so I can just get them out of my way!
Thanks for putting me through the ringer, AES. I’m probably one of the only people right now who can not only pay their bills, but pay EXTRA on them and ON TIME and you’re dicking me over.
Your employees are incompetent and your system is asinine.